…and all the men and women merely potential buyers! Okay, okay- so I totally defiled one of Shakespeare’s most famous lines… but it was kind of fitting given the topic at hand… so, I went with it! And in case you hadn’t guessed, yep- today we’re talking about STAGING! Now don’t get me wrong- we […]
Weigh-In Wednesday-#1
Alright y’all… I am PSYCHED! After my ‘Commitment Issues‘ post, I was more dedicated than ever to focusing on eating better and losing this weight. However, if we’re laying all the cards on the table here, I have to honestly admit that I wasn’t holding out much hope that I’d persevere. I’ve hit so many […]
Commitment Issues…. {Weight Loss Motivation}
That’s it! I HAVE HAD IT!! I’m up to *HERE* with this damn weightloss/yo-yo diet/stop-start-stop cycle. I am FED UP!! Me and this 11 lbs are going to end up coming to blows! Enough is enough already!! TOTAL. FRICKIN’. DO OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whew! I certainly feel better now that I have that out of my system. […]
Our First Stab at UWG…
So, you know how any time you do something for the very first time, by the time you’re done, you have created a laundry list of ways you’ll do it differently, if you ever do it again? Well, that’s sorta what happened to us when we took our first crack at attending UWG. If you […]
Countdown to Kalahari! {Countdown Calendar Tutorial}
I find it laughable, really, to be writing this post.See, the event we are ‘counting down’ towards, is an event we have actually already been home from,for the better part of two weeks.countdown calendar Seriously. countdown calendar Yes folks…the ever inimitable ‘Queen of Procrastination’ strikes again.To be completely honest, I wasn’t even going to write […]
Today is the First Day of the Rest of My Life!
I’ve been a fat girl all my life. OK… that’s not entirely true. I managed to maintain a pretty trim figure until I was about 10 years old. {I know, impressive huh?}Up until that point, I HATED chocolate- actually DESPISED the stuff.{I’m convinced it was due to alien experiments being carried out in my body… […]
Welcome to the World… Little Bloggie!
In true Jenn style, this blog has been a creative endeavor that has been over a year and a half in the making. Not that it’s actually taken me that long to learn how to use WordPress.{It’s not that hard!}Or even that it was so difficult picking a background and a font.{I’m sorta picky […]
Stuff Folks Said